Debacterol Canker Sore Treatment (Pros and Cons)

Debacterol for Canker Sore

Debacterol is a dental grade treatment that can be prescribed to those struggling with severe mouth ulcers or canker sores. Many turn to it as a last resort for mouth ulcers as it must be prescribed by a doctor. We are going to explore the pros and cons of the debacterol canker sore treatment to determine whether it is a good option for you.

How does Debacterol work?

Debacterol is a liquid chemical product that is used to treat mouth ulcers. It essentially creates a seal by cauterizing the canker sore. In doing this, it quickly eliminates the pain of the ulcer by sealing it off the damaged tissues after one application.

In order for mouth ulcers to heal, there are many factors that must be controlled. Since the immune system is unable to rapidly prevent further damage and allow repair cells to come in and multiply, Debacterol with its chemical and physical properties is able to make this happen faster[1].

See Also: Top 5 Over The Counter Canker Sore Treatments

Debacterol Application

In order to apply, you dry the ulcer and then bend the cotton swab until you hear a snap. Once it snaps, the solution flows into the cotton swab and then you hold it to the ulcer for 5 seconds. There is also a second method, where it comes in a vial, which follows the same process[2].

Pros of Debacterol

  • Given that it is a dental grade treatment, its effectiveness is very high.

  • Many users find it to be the only product that has worked for them.

  • It relieves pain almost instantly.  

Cons of Debacterol

  • It can be extremely painful during application for a short period of time.

  • Debacterol requires a prescription, so you cannot simply buy it over the counter.

  • On certain occasions, users have found that it can make the ulcer worse.

  • It only treats outbreaks, and cannot prevent them.

Looking for a product that treats and prevents canker sores?

Canker Shield is one of the only natural products on the market that not only soothes and heals canker sores, but also can be used to prevent them from forming in the first place. It is created with essential vitamins and supplements that replenish deficiencies and promote healing. To learn more about Canker Shield, click here.


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