Does Putting Salt On A Canker Sore Help?

Salt is one of the most well known and effective home remedies for treating canker sores and mouth ulcers. Many people resort to it as it is a cheap and effective method to treat your canker sore from home. Putting salt on a canker sore or mouth ulcer helps speed up healing.

How Does Putting Salt On A Canker Sore Help?

The reason that putting salt on a canker sore or mouth ulcer helps is because it raises the PH of your mouth to make it more alkaline. This is effective because it makes it much harder for bacteria to survive at the site of the canker sore since they survive better in more acidic environments [1]. Because of this reduction in bacteria, it helps your canker sore heal faster than it normally would. Salt also draws fluid out of the sore to dry it out and keeping it from swelling [2]

See Also: Best Home Remedies and Products To Rapidly Get Rid Of Canker Sores

Applying Salt Directly On Canker Sore

There are two methods for using salt on a canker sore or mouth ulcer. The first method is to apply a pinch of salt directly to the canker sore and let it sit for 2-3 minutes repeating 3-4 times a day.

Saltwater Rinse

Instead of applying salt directly on the mouth ulcer, you can also mix a teaspoon of salt with a cup of warm water to create a saltwater rinse that you can swish in the area of the sore for 1-2 minutes. If the canker sore is in your throat, you can gargle the saltwater rinse. For best results use the saltwater rinse 3-4 times a day.

Be warned that it will sting very bad to use salt on your canker sore no matter which method that you choose. However, most people find that the saltwater rinse method is less painful. If you can push through the pain, you should notice a soothing feeling afterward.

Why Does Salt On A Canker Sore Burn?

The reason that using salt on a canker sore burns is because it stimulates and also exposes pain sensing neurons and increases the electrolyte concentration of the fluids in the wound. These salted fluids pull fluids from the tissue cells which stimulates your pain sensing nerves. 

Looking For The Best Canker Sore Treatment?

Home remedies can work well for canker sores, but typically many products are more effective as they are specifically designed to heal canker sores. Canker Shield is the #1 canker sore treatment on the market for rapid healing. It consists of natural vitamins and herbs that typically eliminate canker sore pain in 1-2 days, instead of the 7-14 days that it typically takes without treatment. Click here to learn more about Canker Shield.


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