How Long Do Canker Sores Last?

How long do canker sores last?

Canker sores or mouth ulcers can vary in duration depending on a variety of factors, but in general they can last anywhere from 1-2 weeks. However, if action is taken early, it is possible for them to heal in a matter of days. If your canker sores last for longer than a week, there are a variety of things that you can do to speed up healing. Understanding the stages of canker sores is important in order to know when to begin treatment.

Factors That Effect Length of Canker Sores 


Using both natural remedies and products to treat canker sores can significantly decrease how long your canker sore or mouth ulcer will last. There are a variety of treatment options that can be very effective in healing canker sores. Treatment can significantly cut the duration of your outbreak, which means you will not be in pain as long.

See Also: How to Heal Canker Sores Fast

Vitamin Deficiencies

Not only do vitamin deficiencies lead to canker sores, but they can also cause outbreaks to last longer. Think about it, when your body is deficient in what it needs, it is not able to heal itself as fast or fight against bacteria. Research has shown that vitamin B12 and folate are very important in protecting against canker sores. A study indicated that individuals who suffer from recurrent canker sores are more likely to have a lower intake of vitamin B12 and folate. Another important vitamin to take is lysine.


Avoiding acidic and spicy foods is important when a canker sore begins to form as these types of foods will likely make the issue worse. Food and drinks to avoid are tomatoes, citrus fruits, chocolate, cheese, coffee, soda, etc. These foods can cause canker sores in the first place and can certainly make them worse when they are forming.

Why do canker sores hurt?

Canker sores hurt because when a canker sore forms, bacteria begin to eat away at the area down to the nerves, which is what leads to the severe pain. In a survey that we did of 500 participants, the average pain level was a 6.6 out of 10. They can often make it difficult to eat and even sleep.

Consider Canker Shield

If you are looking for a safe and reliable treatment method to heal your canker sores fast, consider Canker Shield. We have recently developed this brand new natural product that is formulated to rapidly soothe and heal canker sores. In studying those who have used our product, many have found that a canker sore that would typically last a week, is healed in a matter of 2-3 days. Check out our testimonials to see how our product has changed people’s lives.


Best Vitamins For Canker Sores And Mouth Ulcers


What is a Canker Sore?