How To Prevent Canker Sores

How To Prevent Canker Sores outbreak

Recurrent canker sores can be one of the worst things to deal with. Learning how to prevent canker sores can help you do away with them for good. There are many things that you can do on a daily basis to help prevent canker sores in your mouth.

Vitamins and Supplements

Research has shown that taking certain vitamins and supplements can decrease your chances of getting canker sores. Vitamins like folic acid, vitamin b12, and lysine have all been shown to prevent canker sores for many people.

See Also: Best Vitamins For Canker Sores

Avoid Trigger Foods

Spicy and acidic foods are known to cause canker sores as well as any foods that you have sensitivities to. If you find that you are consistently getting canker sores after eating or drinking something, try to cut that food or drink out of your diet. For some it is pineapple, others it is coffee or chocolate. Avoiding foods that lead to mouth irritation can significantly help prevent canker sores.

Avoid SLS

Sodium laurl sulfate is an additive in toothpastes and mouthwashes that is linked to canker sore outbreaks. Make sure you avoid toothpastes with SLS at all costs, as it is one of the top causes of canker sores. Avoiding SLS alone has helped lots of people prevent their canker sore outbreaks.


If you think stress is causing your canker sores, find healthy ways to relieve stress. Try breathing exercises, working out or meditation. Doing these things can help decrease your stress which can help to prevent canker sores.

See Also: Can Stress Cause Canker Sores?


Proper hydration is crucial for preventing canker sores. When you are hydrated, it helps your body and immune system function as they should. Start and end your day with a large glass of water and try to have a glass with every meal.

Chew Carefully

Many people get canker sores after biting the inside of their mouth while eating. If this happens to you often, try chewing slower and being more careful to ensure that you do not create canker sores by biting your gums or tongue.

Use A Soft Bristled Toothbrush

Non soft bristled toothbrushes can be harsh on your gums. Make sure you are using a soft bristled brush to prevent irritation that can lead to canker sores.

Do Not Smoke Or Use Tobacco

Smoking and use of tobacco are known to cause canker sores. Try to avoid these as they can not only cause canker sores and mouth ulcers, but also make outbreaks worse.

Prevent Canker Sores With Canker Shield

Canker Shield is the #1 product available for preventing canker sores. Swish it just 2-3 days a week to make your mouth more nutritionally healthy in order to stop outbreaks. It can also be used to rapidly soothe and heal them when they do pop up. Click here to learn more.


Canker Sore Stages


Can Stress Cause Canker Sores?