Can Stress Cause Canker Sores?

Canker sore and stress

Believe it or not, stress is one of the leading causes of canker sores and mouth ulcers. Those who are stressed have a greater chance of getting stress ulcers in their mouth due to the way that the body responds to stress. Stress often causes canker sores for many people without them even realizing it.

Why Does Stress Cause Canker Sores?

The reason that stress causes canker sores and mouth ulcers is because of the effect that it has on your body. When you are stressed, your immune system is not working at full capacity, which means it is not as good at fighting against viruses and bacteria. Because your body is not able to fight off certain germs and bacteria in this state, stress ulcers can form.

Not to mention that if you bite your lip or brush too hard and damage your gums when you are stressed, it is more likely that a canker sore will form as your immune system will not have a normal response to it.

Stress, combined with other factors such as eating spicy or acidic foods or having vitamin deficiencies can lead to an even greater risk of recurrent canker sores.

Often times people will go a long time without having any canker sores and then all of the sudden will experience multiple outbreaks. If diet and vitamin and supplement intake remain the same, it is likely that stress is causing them.

See Also: What Causes Canker Sores?


Multiple studies have found a connection between mouth ulcers and an individual’s stress levels. One study in particular found that there seemed to be a link between canker sores and stress, depression, and anxiety. Another study determined those who were anxious and depressed experienced canker sore outbreaks more frequently.

If you are fairly certain that your canker sore outbreaks are linked to your stress levels, it is important to be able to identify and manage your stress as well as the triggers that lead to it. Being able to do this is important for your health and well being.

See Also: Best OTC Products of 2021 For Canker Sores

Tips For Stress Relief

If you think that stress is causing you to have canker sore outbreaks, try some of the below tips to help manage your stress.

  • Take deep breaths.

  • Practice Meditation

  • Exercise Regularly

  • Decrease your workload.

What Should You Do If Stress Is Causing Your Canker Sores?

Stress is often a complex issue that has a variety of triggers, but below are some tips for if you are stressed and are experiencing outbreaks.

  1. Vitamins and Supplements – Make sure that you are getting the vitamins that your body needs. Lysine, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, and zinc are some of the top vitamins for canker sores.

  2. Sleep – Make sure you are getting enough sleep every night. This alone will significantly help your immune system and decrease the chances of you experiencing an outbreak.

  3. Water – Try to drink at least 3 liters of water a day to help flush toxins and as well as strengthen your immune system.

  4. Effective Treatment – Sometimes even when you are doing all the right things, you can still get random canker sore outbreaks. It is important to have an effective treatment on hand for when outbreaks occur for rapid healing.

Canker Shield - The Best Treatment For Stress Induced Canker Sores

Canker Shield is one of the top treatments for stress induced canker sores because of the fact that it can be used before and during outbreaks. If you notice your stress levels increase, you can swish it a few days a week to ensure that the lining of your gums are nutritionally healthy to prevent canker sores. 96% of users found that Canker Shield prevented their outbreaks.  

It can also be used during outbreaks to rapidly soothe and heal canker sores so that you can do normal things like eating and talking without having to worry about the excruciating pain. 89% of users are pain free in 1-3 days, with some as little as a few hours. To learn more, check out testimonials for those who have experienced incredible relief.

Canker Shield

How To Prevent Canker Sores


How To Relieve Canker Sore Pain