How To Relieve Canker Sore Pain

How To Relieve Canker Sore Pain

Canker sores can be extremely painful as they are often aggravated by common daily tasks like eating and talking. It is important to find effective methods to relive canker sore pain so that you can be ready when an outbreak occurs. We are going to explore the best methods for pain relief using both home remedies as well as over the counter products.

Natural Remedies

Saltwater Rinse

Saltwater rinse is among one of the most effective home remedies to relieve canker sore pain. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of saltwater in a half cup of warm water. Swish in the affected area for 1-3 minutes. It will be very painful initially but will help soothe the ulcer and kill the bacteria. If you are brave, you can apply salt directly to the sore with your finger.

Makuna Honey

Makuna Honey is a great home remedy to both relieve the pain of a canker sore as well as promote healing. You should notice that after application that it will begin to feel better almost immediately. Apply some honey directly to the sore 3-4 times a day.

Alum Powder

Alum powder is a great option when it comes to natural remedies. You can easily purchase McCormic brand alum at your local grocery store. Apply a pinch to the ulcer and swish for up to 3 minutes. It is a great option not only for pain relief, but also to speed up healing. Be warned, that it will sting pretty bad initially.

See Also: Alum Powder For Canker Sores

Pain Relief Products

See Also: Best Over The Counter Products For Canker Sores


Kanka is a liquid pain relief product that comes with an applicator. It is designed to numb the area of the canker sore to relieve pain. It is a great option to use before meals or bed when you need immediate relief. It can easily be purchased on Amazon or at your local grocery store. You will need to reapply multiple times throughout the day for continued relief.

See Also: Kanka Product Review

Canker Sore Product

Orajel Instant Pain Relief Gel

Orajel is a very common numbing gel to relieve canker sore pain. You can squeeze it directly onto the sore from the tube or put some on your finger and apply it to the sore. It will relieve the pain almost instantly. Keep in mind that it only lasts for short periods of time, and you will have to reapply many times a day to keep the pain away. 

Orajel Instant Pain Relief

Canker Shield

Canker Shield is a new product that has been specifically formulated with natural ingredients to not only relieve the pain of canker sores, but also to heal them very quickly so that you are pain free much faster. While numbing products are helpful for short term relief, they often fall short since they do nothing to promote healing. Canker Shield takes away the pain of canker sores quickly and also heals them in 1-3 days, instead of the average healing time of 7-10 days. Click here to learn more about Canker Shield.


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