OralMedic Mouth Ulcer Treatment

oralmedic review

OralMedic is a common treatment that has been proven to be effective against canker sores and mouth ulcers. It is one of the top treatments available due to the fact that it is medical grade and relieves pain almost instantly. It is a great treatment if it is available where you live.

How Does it Work?

OralMedic uses sulfuric acid to chemically cauterize the canker sore or mouth ulcer which burns the nerve endings. It is sold as a medicated Q tip that you apply to the sore.

See Also: Best Treatments In The World For Canker Sores

How To Use OralMedic

In order to apply, make sure to dry ulcer and then bend the cotton swab until you hear a snap. Once it snaps, the solution will enter into the cotton swab and then you hold it to the ulcer for 5 seconds to cauterize it.

Pros Of OralMedic

  • Very fast acting, most people are pain free almost instantly.

  • It is a medical grade treatment, similar to Debacterol.

Cons Of OralMedic

  • It is a very expensive treatment. For $35 you get just 2 medicated q tips that can be used only once, making it not the most cost effective.

  • Some people claim that there have been instances where it actually made their canker sore worse.

  • Like some other treatments, it cannot be used to prevent canker sores.

OralMedic Reviews

OralMedic has 4 out of 5 stars on Amazon. Many of the positive reviews mention the fact that it provides such rapid relief, faster than most other products. Some of the negative reviews state that it did not work for them, and that it was really expensive for only two total uses.

OralMedic Not Available To You?

OralMedic is easy to get in the United States, but is unavailable in many foreign countries. Make sure to check Amazon.com if it is available in your country to see if it is offered. If you are not able to find it, Canker Shield is a great alternative and ships to a variety of countries internationally.

Consider Canker Shield

Canker Shield is a new groundbreaking Canker Sore and mouth ulcer treatment that is able to rapidly sooth, heal and even prevent canker sores. It is widely available in many countries, and is one of the best products on the market. To learn more, click here.

Canker Shield

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