Coconut Oil For Canker Sores

Coconut Oil for Canker Sores

Coconut oil is a great home remedy to use for canker sores and mouth ulcers. Many people use coconut oil for canker sores as it is able to decrease pain and inflammation and speed up healing. Coconut oil is a great treatment for many other oral health conditions. 

Why Does Coconut Oil Work For Canker Sores?

Coconut oil is a natural anti-inflammatory, meaning that it reduces pain, inflammation and swelling [1]. In addition, coconut oil is antibacterial and antiviral, which means that it can help speed up the healing of a canker sore.

How To Treat Canker Sores Using Coconut Oil

Apply a generous amount of coconut oil to the sore 3-4 times a day and swish it in the area of the sore for 20 seconds before swallowing. For preventative use, swish a tablespoon each morning for 30 seconds. 

See Also: How To Use Honey For Canker Sores

Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil

Another method that you can try particularly to prevent canker sores is something called “oil pulling.” Oil pulling is when you swish oil around in your mouth for a prolonged period of time. The purpose of this method is to reduce the amount of harmful bacteria in your mouth, which can help improve your oral health and even prevent canker sores from forming in the first place. [2]. 

To try this method, take a tablespoon of coconut oil and let it melt in your mouth. Swish it around for 15-20 minutes and then spit it into the sink and brush your teeth. To get the maximum benefit from oil pulling, try do this daily. 

See Also: Using Salt For Canker Sores

Looking For An Effective Canker Sore Treatment?

Natural remedies like coconut oil can be helpful for canker sores, but once outbreaks occur, it is important to have an effective treatment method that you can rely on every time. Canker Shield is a brand new all natural product that is used to rapidly soothe and heal canker sores. Many who use it have found that it heals their canker sores in 1-2 days, with some as fast as overnight. Check out some testimonials to see how it has helped so many people. 

Canker Shield

OralMedic Mouth Ulcer Treatment


How To Use Honey For Canker Sores